
First Church is part of the Reformed tradition: we are reformed and always reforming. We believe that God continues to speak through the Holy Spirit, and we strive to discern how God is calling us to love God and love our neighbors at this time and in this place. We are guided by the Bible, historical creeds, and the reformed confessions of the Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession, and Canons of Dort. 


We believe the Old and New Testaments are the inspired, infallible, and holy Word of God. The Spirit of God directed human authors to write these books so we know who God is and how we can live with and for God in all we do. (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21)


We believe God is one living and true God who mysteriously exists in perfect community as three equal and fully divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each person of God, while having different but complementary roles, has the same nature, characteristics and being, and is worthy of equal praise and obedience. (Matthew 28:19-20; John 1:1-4; Genesis 1:1-2)

Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration

We believe God created our good and beautiful world and all that is in it. And we believe that God allowed sin and brokenness to enter this world. While that might cause pain and confusion, God never abandoned or ignored the creation. God has worked throughout history to redeem the broken creation, ultimately through the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit continues this work of redemption from now until when Jesus will return to fully restore all of creation to align with God’s righteousness and justice. 

Baptism & Profession of Faith

In infant baptism, we publicly acknowledge and celebrate the grace of God, freely offered to us before we were even aware or able to move toward God. Parents and the congregation promise to nurture the children with Christian care and teaching, showing them the love of Jesus. When a person who was baptized as a child comes to claim faith in Jesus for themselves, they make a public profession of faith. This is a celebration of God’s action in their lives and a commitment to living with and for Jesus. For those not baptized as children, adult baptism includes a public profession of faith. (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:38-39; Acts 16:15,33; John 4:42)


During communion, when we eat the bread and juice, we remember the life and death of Jesus Christ and celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, bringing life to all. Yet we do more than remember, we also encounter and experience God’s presence and grace through the Holy Spirit. Children as well as adults are welcome to participate in communion and receive this gift of God’s grace. (Luke 22:14-21; Matthew 19:13-14)

The Church

We believe that as God’s people, we are called to come together to worship and to serve. We value both unity and diversity in the body of Christ, knowing that the diversity of the church is the embodiment of God’s creativity. The Church has the greatest impact when we are able to fully utilize the gifts of all God’s children. At First Church, we strive to be a community that celebrates thoughtful conversations amidst differing viewpoints, knowing that in Christ, all things hold together. (1 Corinthians 12, Colossians 1)


Within our Strategic Plan, First Church has identified these fundamental values as the sustaining, motivating, and catalyzing components of our church and vision.


Word of God – we place the written Word of God at the center of all aspects of life and ministry.


Worship – we gather to praise and be shaped into effective disciples of Christ.


Holy Spirit – we believe in an active Spirit who mysteriously moves us to be innovative and creative in our pursuit of God’s will.


Prayer – we seek to teach, challenge, encourage, and inspire everyone to experience God’s presence through prayer.


Compassion – with humility, we respond to human needs in our midst and seek to affirm the image of Christ in all we encounter.


Justice – we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves, and as we share God’s love, we seek to work together thoughtfully and intentionally for a fairer, more just society.


Place – we have been called to our part of the city, so we seek to join God’s activity among neighbors in pursuit of a flourishing community for all.


Welcoming – We seek to be a community of unconditional love and belonging, where faith is explored together.


Love – We gratefully receive and seek to share God’s unconditional love and grace.