We take seriously Jesus's desire for his followers to be good neighbors. We pray that the way we minister in our community demonstrates Christ's compassion and commitment to being a good neighbor.
Ministry in the community
First Church started and continues to support the work of this non-profit devoted to asset-based community development in our church's neighborhood.
Kids Club
On Wednesday nights here at First we have volunteers and leaders who administer to a group of children, grades 3-7. They participate in many fun activities like soccer, cooking, art, and music.
Food Assistance neighbor network (fANN)
It is hard not to be a fan of "FANN." FANN addresses food sustainability challenges and provides space for neighbors to build community with each other.
First Church supports the work of Living Water Ministry Network, a non-profit organization that helps men successfully transition back into society after incarceration. We partner with Living Water to offer a mentoring program that connects men from First with men from the Living Water Ministry residences.
Men's Breakfast
A mix of First Church members and friends from the community gather together on Saturday morning to enjoy breakfast and each other's company.
Soulful Motion
Ready to get in shape while developing relationships with others? Every Monday at 6:00 pm, a group of people join together for prayer and exercise in our church's Fellowship Hall. Come join the fun!