MINISTRIES for adults

First Church offers a number of ways for adults of all ages to learn and grow in their faith. Some of these experiences may be focused on certain age groups, while others are more intergenerational in nature. 

  • Young Adults

    First Church has been blessed with a group of young adults who gather to build community and faith. This group gets together for drinks and appetizers once a month at Brewery Vivant. 

  • OASIS Women's bible study

    In Oasis, women of all ages study Scripture and explore topical aspects of spirituality together. As they study, they deepen their relationship to God and each other. There are three different Oasis meeting times each week to help accommodate busy schedules. 


  • Men's Bible Study

    On Thursday mornings at 7:30 am, men gather to go through the passage that will be the focus for worship on Sunday. A lively discussion ensues.

  • Men's Book Club

    Interested in reading a thought-provoking book and then discussing it over breakfast? Every Wednesday morning at 6:00 am (think early bird special), men gather to share their insights on a book chosen to push thinking and challenge assumptions. The goal is to help them become better disciples of Jesus Christ.

  • Golden Hour

    A group of our more experienced women gather every other week to enjoy one another's company and explore an aspect of faith. This lively gathering reminds all of us of the never-ending depth of learning about God. 

  • The Journey

    Interested in diving deeper into your life with Christ? "The Journey" offers a unique opportunity to explore some of the biggest questions of your faith with a small group of fellow believers. You'll meet weekly for several months with your Journey group, enter into a spiritual mentoring relationship, and engage in regular Bible study and reflection.

  • The Colossian Forum

    We live in a charged time where political division often puts us in conflict with one another, even within the church. How can we disagree with each other and yet maintain a unity that shapes us to be more like Christ? These 10-week sessions on select topics help us do just that. People gather to learn, to listen, and to love in contentious times. Learn more.